Auction Catalogue - EU

Pianos for sale in March

The Auction Catalogue for our March Auction is now available.

  • Buy an upright or grand piano.

  • Unbeatable prices.

  • Fantastic makes and models.

  • Test and play every piano.

  • Speak to our piano specialist.

Our advice when buying a piano

Buying a piano is an exciting endeavor that can bring joy and enrichment to your life. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pianist, selecting the right instrument requires careful consideration. Here are some key points to keep in mind when buying a piano.

First, determine your budget. Pianos come in a wide range of prices, from affordable digital keyboards to high-end acoustic grand pianos. Consider your financial capacity and allocate an appropriate amount for your purchase.

Next, decide on the type of piano that suits your needs. Digital pianos are versatile, portable, and often more affordable. They offer a variety of sounds and can be connected to computers or headphones for practice. Acoustic pianos, on the other hand, produce rich, authentic tones and offer a tactile playing experience.

Consider the available space in your home. Pianos come in different sizes, so measure the area where you plan to place it. You’ll want to ensure that the piano fits comfortably and leaves room for proper airflow.

Take the time to visit our auction and try out different models. Play a variety of pieces to assess the piano’s touch, responsiveness, and tone. Pay attention to the instrument’s action, which refers to the mechanical parts that translate key presses into sound.

Lastly, consider the maintenance requirements. Acoustic pianos require regular tuning and occasional maintenance.

By carefully considering your budget, space, type of piano, and trying out different models, you can make an informed decision when buying a piano. Remember, investing in a quality instrument that resonates with you will enhance your musical journey and provide countless hours of enjoyment.